Penny Projects

Little Gifts, Big Impact

Welcome to Penny Projects, where a little goes a long way

Our mission is simple: to nurture and inspire students from Riverside Secondary Highschool, Zambia

Graphic of people gathered around a well which resembles the earth
Penny-Projects logo

Little Gifts, Big Impact

Graphic of people gathered around a well which resembles the earth

Welcome to Penny Projects, where a little goes a long way

Our mission is simple: nurture and inspire students from Riverside Secondary Highschool, Zambia

Our Mission

Icon of people sitting down, engaged in a discussion

Mentorship & Guidance

Our mission is to empower Riverside Secondary High School students with mentorship and guidance, preparing them for community leadership

Icon of hands being raised

Equipping Tools & Skills

We encourage personal and societal growth for students while nurturing compassion in future change-makers

Icon of a bucket filled with tools

Community Empowerment

Using the power of individuals, we can create lasting change. By helping students flourish, we can give them a brighter tomorrow

Our Approach

With the support of Riverside Secondary School, we offer hands-on student-led experiential learning. This approach focuses on:

1. Identifying the community's needs

2. Crafting effective solutions

3. Implementing projects

This approach fosters student pride and ownership, all while ensuring the projects meet specifc community needs

Child smiling and reach upwards.
A group of student gathered in a circle celebrating, lifting their arms to the sky.

Together We Can

To realise these transformative projects, we depend on generous donors who share our commitment.

Your contributions provide necessary resources for successful project implementation, making a lasting impact on lives and creating a ripple effect beyond borders.

Headshot of penny-projects founder, Joel Slade.
A collection of three small heart icons

Meet our Founder

Joel Slade

Joel Slade, an Australian Pastor, is driven by a passion for empowering communities through education and service. He has led development projects globally, spanning Ukraine, South and Central America, Asia, and the Pacific. Now, he's embarked on an incredible journey to Zambia, launching Penny Projects to create a lasting impact on high school students at Riverside Secondary School. Joel firmly believes in the power of relationships and community to drive transformative change, envisioning a future where Zambian students become proactive problem solvers and catalysts for positive change.

Heart icons.
Hearts icon

How you can join our family

Hands holding a heart icon


Contribute a dollar or volunteer with us to build a compassionate community and achieve progress, one penny at a time.

Communication icon


Connect with like-minded individuals, follow us, and be a part of the Penny Projects family. Embrace optimism and take action for positive change.

Heart icon


Join us in the mission field and be part of our inspiring Penny Projects family. Together, let's create a brighter future for those we serve.

Handshake icon


We want to work with you on Penny Projects in your own community. Partner with us to empower others and create lasting impact together.

Penny-Projects round logo banner

Kafue, Zambia